Harmonious Software Scholarship


This scholarship was established by CSU alumnus Fred Pittroff and his wife Rosemary to support undergraduates in Computer Science pursuing a concentration in computing education or human-centered computing.


1) Major in the Department of Computer Science within the College of Natural Sciences at Colorado State University 2) Completed a minimum of 24 undergraduate credit hours at CSU or through transfer 3) Academic concentration in Computing Education (first preference) or Human-Centered Computing (formerly known as Human Factors) (second preference) or equivalents 4) Demonstrate financial need as established by University's Office of Financial Aid at CSU and/or demonstrate extenuating financial need 5) Preference shall be given to students who maintain an overall 3.0 GPA (Scholarship may be renewable if the recipient continues to meet all criteria, reapplies annually and is selected by the scholarship committee)


Computer Science

Student Class(es):


Enrollment Status:

Not Specified



Other Requirements: